Page name: Elftown Bar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-08-31 03:14:37
Last author: Slayer Chick
Owner: Slayer Chick
# of watchers: 37
Fans: 0
D20: 8
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Welcome to the Elftown Bar

Owner:[Slayer Chick]

Restaurant General Manager: [Position Open]

Assistant Manager: [Position Open]

Secretary: [Position Open]

Go to...

-->Elftown Bar's Dance Floor
-->Backroom of the Elftown Bar
-->Elftown Restaurant

Oh yeah, If you want to apply for a job, or even help out, message one of the Managers mmmkay... Oh and please put a banner up in your house!!! Pretty Please...


Employee Rules
Everyone's Rules
Elftown Bar Banners


1.[Slayer Chick]
2. [Position Open]
3. [Position Open]

Members: *GET FREE BEER!!*
2.[Hells Chaos]
3.[Lady Darkness]
5.[lost child]
6.[Alice in Darkland]
10.[Silent Death]
12.[a married mistress]
13.[Darkness of Faith]
15.[Shadow Darkness]
16.[This is a Deleted Account]
18.[Mack Daddy Yoda]

Security Guards

RULES: Everyone MUST respect these guards, if you don't follow the rules, they will be ordered to kick you out.
IF you want to be a SG you have to ask [Slayer Chick] or a manager. If you are a SG, Please follow all of the rules. EVEN THE BAR RULES!!! FOLLOW THEM ALL! and do your job. You can still drink and eat, but make sure that you can still do your job! Make sure you don't get too drunk though…show up often! Watch this wiki page and make sure you visit as much as possible! Thanks
Security Guards ((SG)):
ONLY 5 SECURITY GURDS!!! PLEASE APPLY with [Slayer Chick]. Thank you :)

1.[Position Open]
2.[Position Open]
3.[Position Open]
4.[Position Open]
5.[Position Open]

This badge is ONLY for the Security Guards!!!





**PS: The reason I made the guards is so that people don't get hurt. These guards will protect anyone, and break up fights.**

Bloody Mary 
Hot Damn
Jack Daniels
Margarita's: all kinds
Mike's Hard Lemonade
Pina Colada
Red Wine
Sex On The Beach
Shirley Temple
Sunset Passion Colada
Virgin Mary
White Russian
White Wine



Username (or number or email):


2005-06-29 [Shade Wolf]: Because she decided to take a break from this wiki.Sorry,I didn't notice that you had asked me a question.

2005-06-29 [p7]: oh.......ok lol too many probs w/ it?

2005-06-29 [Shade Wolf]: I dunno

2005-06-29 [p7]: oh......

2005-06-29 [KAT\\\]: Can i have some rum?

2005-06-29 [p7]: can i have another malibu pineapple please?

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: *twirls bottles and puts two glasses on the bar* sure *hands them both their drinks*

2005-06-29 [p7]: thanks!!! *takes a sip*

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: *smiles, nods in respect and sits*

2005-06-29 [p7]: good job.......

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: eh.. thanks

2005-06-29 [p7]: no wtz up??

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: not much, just tired, yourself?

2005-06-29 [p7]: same jc w/ my best friend......

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: hm?..

2005-06-29 [p7]: i was just chillin w/ my best friend....

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: ooh sorry

2005-06-29 [p7]: its big deal....

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: sure?.. you ok?

2005-06-29 [p7]: yea y??

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: just asking

2005-06-29 [p7]: oh....

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: ?..

2005-06-29 [p7]: *sigh*

2005-06-29 [Modnoc!]: whats wrong?

2005-06-30 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2005-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: O___O

2005-06-30 [Shade Wolf]: Welcome back hunny.

2005-06-30 [p7]: im completely and totally bored

2005-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: Sorry

2005-07-02 [p7]: its ok......not yr fault.......can i have another malibu pineapple please?

2005-07-02 [Modnoc!]: *gets u know u luv me another malibu pineapple*

2005-07-02 [p7]: thanks!!

2005-07-03 [R/\\/E/\/]: one malibu pineapple comin rite up...

2005-07-04 [p7]: lol ive already got one.......thanks neways tho.......

2005-07-06 [Shade Wolf]: Everyone happy here?

2005-07-06 [p7]: yup

2005-07-07 [Alice in Darkland]: I miss having mallory here :\

2005-07-07 [p7]: im sorry.....

2005-07-08 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i love you all! mwah ha ha ha ha

2005-07-08 [p7]: lol i love everyone here too!!!!!!

2005-07-08 [Modnoc!]: *sits in a corner, sipping a glass of strong alcohol, head in hand*

2005-07-08 [p7]: wtz wrong??!!!!

2005-07-09 [Shade Wolf]: Well I'll tell her for you.

2005-07-10 [Nymph_Goddess]: *gives a big wave to everyone*

2005-07-11 [p7]: hi!!!!!

2005-07-11 [Danboo]: hey all

2005-07-12 [p7]: heyy

2005-07-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: this place has gone downhill

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: yep

2005-07-13 [p7]: lol y do u say that??

2005-07-13 [Giganto Coconuts]: this place is the pimp shiz yo

2005-07-13 [Danboo]: Can you put my name back Crow

2005-07-13 [Giganto Coconuts]: who's crow?

2005-07-13 [Danboo]: well she was the owner

2005-07-14 [p7]: lol

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: what

2005-07-14 [p7]: nvm

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: No tell me

2005-07-15 [Giganto Coconuts]: yeah GOD DAMN IT

2005-07-16 [p7]: nooooooo

2005-07-16 [Danboo]: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

2005-07-17 [Shade Wolf]: hello

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: *blinks*

2005-07-19 [Shade Wolf]: Is something in your eye?

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: LOL no

2005-07-19 [Shade Wolf]: Okay

2005-07-20 [SpecialK]: im sorry i havent been able to get on to the page my computer sucks horribly

2005-07-21 [KAT\\\]: Can i get a cup of rum?

2005-07-21 [Modnoc!]: *pours KAT a class of rum*

2005-07-22 [sea nymph]: ill take a sex on the beach (its a drink)

2005-07-22 [SpecialK]: *pours sea nymph a sex on the beach with a umbrella on the side*

2005-07-26 [Pink_Pixie]: I'll take a strawberry daquiri!!

2005-07-27 [KAT\\\]: emm.....rum..^_^

2005-07-27 [Modnoc!]: *gets pink a strawberry daquiri*

2005-07-27 [Pink_Pixie]: thanx

2005-07-27 [Death's Die-Ary]: heeellllo my fellow workers/customers ^^

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: Does anyone need anyting?

2005-08-01 [Death's Die-Ary]: yes,i'll take the russian wine ,please ^__^

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: ok..*slides russian wine accross the counter*...wat about me? jk jk

2005-08-01 [Death's Die-Ary]: lol what about u :) and thanks....

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: don't i get some? lol

2005-08-01 [Death's Die-Ary]: yeah,after your off...

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: when am i off duty?..i kinda got to leave soon

2005-08-01 [Death's Die-Ary]: you can go now,but when u come back,you'll do double .......but it's totally fine

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: kewl..*waves bye to everyone in the bak later*

2005-08-01 [..Nightmare..]: -Walks in- Tis great to be back -takes a seat at the bar-

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: alright may i get you anything?

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: hey how is everyone?

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: Pretty gosh darn may I get you anything from the bar....May i suggest a sex on the beach?

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: yes,i'll have that and a #2 special :)

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: Slides the drinks accross the don't get to hasty with them ...i want you to be able to taste the flavor not get drunk in two minutes :D

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: can't promise that,hehe

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: ok...make sure u are leaving ur keys here then and call a happy drinking to ya!

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: nope my keys are with me.....*jumps behind bar* woot!

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: now now none of that....only employies are aloud here....if i think you are to intoxicated to "drive" home i will take them away and call a cab for you it is the is there anyting else i can get you?

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: yeah get me a boyfriend......*tries to kiss you myself*

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: *stops [Alice in Darkland]* lol...may i suggest the backroom of elftown bar there might be some young fellows of your liking bak ther

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: ehhhhhhhh i want.....*tries to see you through the blurr*   you

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: sorry let me rephrase that backroom of the elftown bar

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: how about i take YOU to the back ;)

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: lol lets go

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: lol

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: jk jk

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: oh hush u know you want moi *blinks*

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: lol :D

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: so how are you?

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: i;m gooooood

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: good,then get me a drink please.....any kind will do

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: jack daniels

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: thanks....can you go and make me a pie too?

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: im not a chaf

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: chef,you mean?

2005-08-01 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: ya lol i can't spell

2005-08-01 [Alice in Darkland]: lol it's okay......*tapps your shoulder*

2005-08-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: wow y'all talked for a long time

2005-08-02 [Giganto Coconuts]: vrais...they do

2005-08-03 [Femme Fatale K]: Haydoe.

2005-08-03 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: hello how may i help you

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: it's meeeeeeee,mario !

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: lol

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: it's funny how we always manage to be on at the same time.

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: i know isn't it just?

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: so *sits arms on bar* what do you do everyday?

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: *smiles* I do nothn...i hang with friends and talk to my bf...stuff like that

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: how about u?

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: same thing,but i'm having a party on tomorrow actually :)

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: kewls..i wanna go!

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: so would u like a drink

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: yes please,the usual.

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: ok.....*pours drinks and slides them to [Alice in Darkland]*

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: *smiles* thanks mi lady.....*downs it* .....pass another one......

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: *slides more alcohal to [Alice in Darkland]*

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: *downs it* more.....

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: *plops a pile of drinks infront of [Alice in Darkland] down wearily*

2005-08-04 [Alice in Darkland]: *rushes to bathroom and barfs*

2005-08-04 [p7]: im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did neone miss me??

2005-08-04 [Femme Fatale K]: I did. Can I have a bottle of your strongest whiskey, and glass of arbor mist melon, and a pina colada please?

2005-08-04 [p7]: yay!!! um i want some apple wine

2005-08-04 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: ok *pures apple wine* and *the strongest whiskey and a glass os arbor mist melon and a pina colada* sorry for such a long wait

2005-08-06 [Alice in Darkland]: damn that was strong

2005-08-07 [Femme Fatale K]: No prob thank you! *downs it* Can I have another round please?

2005-08-07 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: yes...*gives the same drinks to [Femme Fatale K] as before ....sorry it took so long for the order to come through

2005-08-08 [p7]: thanks......*hugs*

2005-08-09 [Danboo]: *walks in*Hey all

2005-08-10 [Nymph_Goddess]: *serves a few rounds* shh don't tell my doc i was here

2005-08-10 [Shade Wolf]: Okay.....

2005-08-12 [Shade Wolf]: Mallory?

2005-08-12 [p7]: hi hi hi

2005-08-13 [RA\/E/\/]: hey evryone!

2005-08-14 [Death's Die-Ary]: hewwo!

2005-08-15 [p7]: :D lol whats up ppl?? im watching the new charlie and the chocolate factory......

2005-08-16 [Shade Wolf]: That's a cool movie

2005-08-16 [..Nightmare..]: That movie is awesome XD

2005-08-18 [Alice in Darkland]: sure is!

2005-08-18 [Shade Wolf]: Hello Daisy,How are Bo and Luke doing? They still blowing up Uncle Jesse's outhouse?

2005-08-18 [Death's Die-Ary]:


2005-08-18 [Shade Wolf]: The Dukes Of Hazzard Movie Rocks!

2005-08-18 [Death's Die-Ary]: just like the bed you and i sleep in :D

2005-08-18 [Shade Wolf]: lol

2005-08-18 [Death's Die-Ary]: aren't i right,babe?

2005-08-18 [Shade Wolf]: yea

2005-08-18 [silkysmooth69]: hope every1 is havin a good time here

2005-08-19 [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: hey wats up guys sorry i haven't been on here we had to sell our computer so ya

2005-08-19 [..Nightmare..]: I WANT TO SEE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!

2005-08-20 [p7]: that movie is freaky.......(charlie and the chocolate factory)

2005-08-21 [Femme Fatale K]: I just don't like the part with the squirells. Scared the piss outta the guy in front of me when I started running up and down the aisle screaming the entire scene.

2005-08-21 [Death's Die-Ary]: you did? *gasps*

2005-08-21 [Shade Wolf]: LOl

2005-08-21 [Femme Fatale K]: Yeah. I've been banned from that theatre. But it was only because I used my switch blade to tear up the screen.

2005-08-21 [Death's Die-Ary]: *dies laughing*

2005-08-21 [Shade Wolf]: No don't die

2005-08-21 [p7]: lol i cant believe u killed the screen........

2005-08-22 [..Nightmare..]: noooooooooooo i was talking about the new Dukes of Hazzard movie!!........and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory kicks ass and so do the squirells lol that part was awesome XD..... LMFAO you used a switch blade to cut up the screen?? THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! do you have a phobia of squirrells?

2005-08-22 [Death's Die-Ary]: josh,u cant say hi to me anymore?

2005-08-23 [p7]: lol

2005-08-23 [..Nightmare..]: Of course i can but ill do it in a civilized manner........ *pounce*

2005-08-24 [tyu]: hi peoples

2005-08-25 [p7]: hi hi

2005-08-27 [Death's Die-Ary]: *sits in the corner*

2005-08-27 [p7]: whats wrong mal?? *goes and sits by her*

2005-08-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: *sits in corner*

2005-08-29 [Death's Die-Ary]: most of my friends on here are acting their fading or something

2005-08-29 [..Nightmare..]: awwwwwwwww *huggles* i pounceded you :(

2005-08-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *huggles back*....but....we use to talk on msn n stuff :(

2005-09-01 [tyu]: i need a drink can i get a shot of tequilla please.

2005-09-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: *rushes to get your order and brings it back*

2005-09-02 [tyu]: *slams down th shot of tequilla*

2005-09-04 [Shade Wolf]: *gets a restraining order against random person*

2005-09-04 [aphrodizzeeack]: Ummm... Hi... Where can I apply for a job?

2005-09-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: in the upstairs dining room,but then again,you can apply here also.

2005-09-08 [Shade Wolf]: lol

2005-09-14 [..Nightmare..]: yea i know :( welllllll im like barely on msn but i shalt try to be on more now !!! lmao restraining orders dont really work anymore ...

2005-09-15 [Death's Die-Ary]: especially online,eh?

2005-09-24 [..Nightmare..]: yea lol

2005-09-26 [Dany_The_Damned]: i am thirsty...

2005-10-08 [Shade Wolf]: hey hey y'all lets make this place alive again !

2005-10-11 [Angelic nightmares]: *walks in slightly drunk and hic-cups* Ello Puppets!

2005-10-11 [Death's Die-Ary]: *keeps cleaning the bar off*

2005-10-11 [Angelic nightmares]: *puts her hand on [Death's Die-Ary]s shoulder* Look win.....

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